Kenwick Park Golf Club

Dress Code

A dress code to take in to account current golfing trends, whilst upholding the traditions of a members club.


As a general rule attire made specifically for Golf is acceptable.

- Shirts must have a collar and if they are so designed, must be worn inside trousers/shorts

- Football/Rugby style shirts and Tracksuits are not permitted

-Tailored shorts of an acceptable length with no external pockets can be worn with any length of sock as long as they are plain.

-Only Golf Shoes can be worn on the golf course

-Strictly no denim


A smart casual dress code to reflect modern life is acceptable in the clubhouse.

-Smart and Clean un-ripped denim is permitted

-Trainers that are smart and clean may be worn

- Hats may not be worn inside

-Deck shoes or sandals without socks may be worn but flip flops are not permissible.


A higher standard of smart casual would be expected for prize presentations.

-No Jeans or trainers

-If jacket and ties are requested by the organising committee players will be informed at the time of entry.

To avoid embarrassment only Staff and Committee members are responsible for upholding the dress code.

Further detail on the Dress Code is available on request.



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